Valentine’s Day: Too Much?

Now, let me start off this post by stating that I am not a single woman with 10 cats, blaming my distaste for this holiday on the fact that I cannot find a man. I am happily engaged to my fiance that I’ve been with for almost 5 years. We have spent several holidays together, including 4 Valentine’s Days, and we have enjoyed each and every single one of them.  But, we are a young couple so those Valentine’s Days did begin when we were teenagers, with dinner & a movie, etc.

After being engaged and growing up, this year I just really don’t see the point in Valentine’s Day.
Yes, it’s a fun day to spend with your sweetie, but are all the hearts and flowers and candy really necessary?
Keep in mind, I do work in retail, so I see everything that people buy for their significant others and guess what. I really am judging you for buying your girlfriend a $60 teddy bear and a $40 candy heart.

I understand that you’re young and in love, wanting to impress your girlfriend of a whole whopping 2 months, but I see grown men doing this too! Think about it, you just spent $100 (or more..) on stuff that your significant other really doesn’t need, for a holiday that’s not even a real holiday.

This is just my opinion, but I absolutely do not see the point anymore. My perfect Valentine’s Day has nothing to do with candy hearts or flowers or a fancy dinner. My perfect Valentine’s Day would just be a night in, cuddling with my man, watching a movie marathon. No need for flashy jewelry, expensive plates, or overpriced candy.

Little Things That Tend to Piss You Off Pt. 1

“Little things that tend to piss you off”, or commonly more known as “pet peeves” are things we experience on a daily basis. That’s probably why they irritate us so much, because they’re the stupid things we have to deal with all. The. Friggin’. Time.

This is a list of the top 10 things that piss me off:

1. People who don’t use their turn signals while driving. Maybe that’s why the back end of your car looks like crap because you didn’t use your blinker and someone rear ended you. Still totally your fault.

2. When people talk on speakerphone in public places. No one else wants to hear your conversation about that ratchet girl who slept with your boyfriend or about how turnt up you were at that party last night.

3. Girls who call themself fat in front of other people for attention when they’re clearly a size 2. You’re not fat, you’re just an attention whore.

4. Girls who plaster drunk/partying/almost nude pictures on the internet, then get mad when other people call them a slut. If you want people to see you naked, maybe you should make a porno.

5. People who text and drive. Obviously, based on your swerving all over the road, you cannot look at your phone and the street at the same time. I’m pretty sure your boo can wait just five more minutes.

6. People who talk during movies. Now in the movie theatre, this especially pisses me off. Why pay so much to see a movie when you can’t even hear what’s going on? Oh, and then the classic, “wait, what just happened?”. Maybe if you would shut up, we would all know what just happened.

7. When you’re in the middle of a conversation with someone and someone else has to interrupt with a story about them and the subject you were talking about. Can you not see that you are not included in this story time?

8. Whistling through your nose while breathing. Like, please just learn how to breathe normally! And if your nose is stuffed up or something, they make medication for that.

9. When people come up to me, speaking Spanish, and they expect that I understand them. Yes, I realize I have a dark skin tone. But no, I am not Hispanic. I never took Spanish, so my knowledge of your language is non-existent. Please speak English.

10. People who cuss in public, especially when there’s kids or old people around. Like, can you change your vocabulary just for two minutes? Some people find that highly offensive and you’re just making yourself look like a trashy red neck.

This list goes on and on and on, because there are several little things that piss me off.

To be continued..

Do Men Have Periods?

Now, ladies, if you’ve ever been with a man for a long length of time, then you have probably asked yourself this question. I’ve been living with my fiance for almost a year now, and I have noticed that sometimes he gets cranky and easily irritated for a few days out of each month (don’t kill me babe). Everyone always jokes, “oh, it’s his man period”. But is that actually really true? Do Men have periods?

In fact, they do. Now, obviously, they don’t bleed like we do, have to walk around with something shoved up their body for a week like we do, nor do they have the excruciating pains for a week like we do, but they do have a hormonal change for about a week. Now if you want more detailed information, there is a website actually called

I just found this extremely interesting. It all depends on the man, but during this “man period”, the man can become very cranky, easily irritated, and tired. This usually doesn’t develop until restart living with a girlfriend or significant other, but if does, indeed, happen.

Another Year Gone

Wow, this year has really flown by! I know, I know, people say that every year, but it doesn’t even feel like New Year’s Eve to me.

So much has happened in the past year, good things and bad things, but I’ve learned so much. I got engaged exactly one year ago and I couldn’t be happier with that decision. I moved out about 2 months after that. I still have a stable job and I’m thankful for all of this and more.

I’m going to cut this short to celebrate with my family, but I hope everyone has a happy and safe new year. I’ll see you next year. 🙂

Technology: The New Age

One thing that has excelled greatly in the last decade is our technology. Have you ever thought about all the things we have today that we as a species never would have even thought about 20+ years ago? We have cars that can practically drive themselves and use electricity instead of gas. We have video games that can detect your every move and hear every sound. We have phones that can think for themselves, answering anything that we want to know, and some that even use your fingerprint as a password.

Now, don’t get me wrong, all this technology is great. The fact that people have the brain power to think up these kind of things is fantastic. But what happens when brain power isn’t needed anymore? Pretty soon, machines will think for themselves, talk for themselves, act for themselves. They’ll be able to do anything they want, with or without the control of human beings.

I know I sound like a cliche person who just has a phobia of robots, machines, and the future but that’s really not it. It’s just that with computers being as powerful as they are, the point of human life will cease to exist. There will be no jobs, no education, no freedom. Applebee ‘s came out a few weeks ago, stating that they were going to start having tablets at each table, where you can look at the menu, order, and pay without having to wait for a waiter/waitress. Now while that is a great and a really cool idea, it is also a way to easily eliminate jobs.

What are your thoughts on technology? Do you think it’s going to improve our world or make it worse?

Miracle asparagus cures cancer

Over the years, there has been several attempts by doctors to find the cure for cancer. We all know that cancer is everywhere, in the sun, in our food, in our bodies. We know that the rate of death caused by cancer is also increasing tremendously. So isn’t it a bit odd that they haven’t actually found a cure yet?

I took an AP Biology class back when I was in high school and not everything that I learned in that class stuck with me but one thing in particular did. My teacher explained to us that doctors know the cure for cancer, they just cannot/do not want to do it for reasons that we do not know. This has stuck with me for the past few years as I had someone very close to me pass away from cancer.

If doctors and scientists know the answer to one of the most frequently asked questions in the world, then why don’t they get a plan together? Why don’t they try to save the world, one by one?

The article below is something that I found very interesting. This may not be the miracle cure that I’m talking about in this post, but if it does prevent/cure cancer, then why not? What is stopping people from putting this plan into action?

Extraterrestrial civilizations?

There has and always will be so much controversy on the subject of whether there is life on other planets. And if there is life on other planets, are they human, like us? Are they these creepy crawler things, more like ants or maybe a larger version? Are they the gross-looking creatures that they portray in the movies?

There’s been several videos and pictures uploaded onto the internet, claiming that aliens are real and that some have taken a crash landing to Earth. Maybe it’s even like Men in Black and we have aliens roaming among us every day, disguised to look like us. Maybe they do exist but never have been seen by the human eye.

Personally, I believe aliens exist. I think it’s almost selfish for us to believe that we’re the only planet that has life and we’re the only life in space. Now, I’m not sure if these aliens exist in our universe or not. But there’s thousands of other places/planets in space that these aliens could be living.

What’s your opinion? Do you think aliens exist? Are they among us or do they still live on another planet somewhere? Is there only one kind of alien or are there several different kinds? Do they want to hurt us or will they eventually all want to live in peace? So many questions with no answers..

A blank page

As a writer, you have to understand going into anything that sometimes, it’s not easy. Trying to find the right words that you’re searching for inside your head is hard at times. Trying to think of how to start off a new topic is even harder, whether it’s the beginning of a new book or the start of a legendary article.

I used to write all the time when I was little. Words would just flow from my head down to the paper like it was nothing. I mostly wrote stories back then, little spinoffs of the books I was reading. Sometimes, I would just think of a character and design their entire life like it was a great, big canvas sitting in front of me.

If writing comes naturally to you, then that’s what you should do; be a writer. Sometimes it comes naturally to me, sometimes it doesn’t. That is why I decided not to major in journalism in college, when I go back. It’s not that I don’t absolutely love writing, because I do. I most definitely do. I just don’t think I could live under the pressure of staring at a blank page all the time, waiting for the words to explode out of me.

And even if you are like me, sometimes writing takes patience. Sometimes it’s a waiting game. Sometimes you feel like ripping your hair out from your head to think of something. But the words will come. And once they finally do, you may not be able to stop them.

Paul Walker hoax?

I know what you’re thinking, “wow, this girl posts a lot of weird crap”. But I just can’t help it! There are some things out there that absolutely fascinate me and conspiracy theories just happen to be one of them..

Now everyone knows that Paul Walker just died in a very tragic car accident at the end of last month. But could it just be another way foe them to bring him back in the new Fast and Furious movie? Could it be a way to get more viewers, more attention?

This article explains many unusual things about the whole incident, and even if you think it’s crap, it’s still great just to open your mind and read it. Another perspective can mean all the difference some times.

Personally, I think his death was very unbelievable. I didn’t think it was true even when I first heard about it. Now I’m not completely sure if I believe everything that was brought up in the above article, but I don’t think Paul Walker is really and truly dead. I just think it’s a whole spinoff that they wanted to use in the new movie. But, I guess only time will tell.. 🙂